Artega cars pictures

First shown as a mock up at the 2007 Geneva Auto Show; the Artega GT debuted a year later at the 2008 Geneva Auto Show. The car is designed by Henrik Fisker, the man also responsible for the much celebrated Aston Martin Vantage.

The two seater has an aluminum space frame and carbon fiber reinforced body for a light curb weight of approximately 1,100 kg (2,425 lb). The engine is a Volkswagen-sourced direct injection 3.6 L (3597 cc) V6 producing 300 hp (220 kW) and 350 N·m (260 lb·ft) mated to a 6-speed DSG transmission. Acceleration from 0-100 km/h is expected to be under five seconds, with top speed estimated to be over 270 kilometres per hour (170 mph).[2]

The Artega GT retails for approximately €75,000. Production is limited to roughly 500 units per year.

Artega is a recently established German sports and luxury auto producer based in Delbrueck, Germany. The Artega GT was released at the 2007 Frankfurt Auto Show. It was previously thought that another sports car producer was the last thing that the auto industry needed given the economic downturn of late 2008 and early 2009 in which new car sales decreased cataclysmically, but Klaus Dieter Frers announced at the 2008 Detroit Auto Show that Artega was investing in a possible solar-powered concept vehicle to compete with the Tesla Roadster and Fisker Karma. Henrik Fisker, who also designed the Aston Martin V8 Vantage, contributed to the design of the Artega GT. The coupe borrows styling from both Porsche and Ferrari. Artega Motors has a close relationship with Volkswagen, Europe's largest automobile producer and the worlds third producer behind Toyota and General Motors (January 2009). The GT is currently the only model produced by Artega Motors. The first produced Artega GT was reportedly sold to Steven Gregory Balboa, an American now residing in New York. Artega is owned by Tresalia Capital, a mexican investment firm.
Artega moto
Artega car